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Mrs Anne Collins

I am one of the Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese.  I am a member of St Peter's congregation where I am a Junior Church leader, serve on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and am assistant church warden.  I have lived in Harborne virtually all my life and have attended St Peter's church for most of it, being brought as a small child by my grandmother and aunt.


I attended George Dixon Grammar School for Girls and then Dudley College of Education, where I gained a B.Ed from Birmingham University.  I began my teaching career at The Blue Coat School, where I lived in as an assistant housemistress in a boys' boarding house, whilst teaching the equivalent of Year 4.  I was also in charge of girls' games.


After ten years, I moved to Edgbaston High School, where I remained until my retirement in 2019, having completed 32 years there.  During my time there I was Year Group Co-ordinator for Years 4 and 5, as well as More Able, Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator.  Part of my role included organising and attending residential trips for both year groups.  I was also able to indulge my love of gymnastics, running Gym Clubs and the competitive Gym Squad.


In my leisure time I enjoy ballet - something I did and taught in Victoria Road in my teens, knitting, gardening and looking after my grandchildren.


If I can help with anything, please feel free to contact me.


