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St. Peter's Vision


We aim to provide all students with a rewarding and enjoyable experience of mathematics. Our intention is for our pupils to develop skills in fluency, reasoning, problem solving, creativity, collaboration and self-evaluation, so they leave St Peter’s as confident, numerate, resilient and skilled mathematicians; who understand that mathematics is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in. This will be accomplished through our commitment to a well-designed and creative curriculum and excellent teaching, with high expectations, so that all children are motivated and inspired to achieve their full mathematical potential.



Our Curriculum Intent
The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to provide children with the foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and problem solving with resilience so that they are fully prepared for the future. It is essential that these keystones of mathematics are embedded throughout all strands of the National Curriculum. By adopting amastery approach, it is also intended that all children, regardless of their starting point, maximise their academic achievement and leave St. Peter’s CE Primary School with an appreciation and enthusiasm for mathematics, resulting in a lifelong positive relationship with number.

In line with the National Curriculum Objectives for Mathematics, it is our intent to ensure that pupils:

  • Experience a high quality maths curriculum that is challenging, enjoyable and helps them strive to achieve their potential.
  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  • Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
  • Reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
  • Move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace, using small learning steps so the majority of pupils are able to ‘keep up’ rather than need to ‘catch up’.
  • Build upon their knowledge as they progress through the school and make rich connections across mathematical ideas.
  • Believe in themselves as mathematicians and through a ‘growth mindset’ approach develop resilience and perseverance when faced with mathematical challenges.
  • Apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.
  • Understand that mathematics is essential to everyday life and is therefore of paramount importance.



How is Maths taught at St. Peter's?

  • Children study mathematics daily, following the White Rose scheme of learning. This is used as a guide to support teachers with their planning and allow for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of the Mathematics National Curriculum. Lessons are personalised to address the individual requirements for a class but coverage is maintained.




  • Teachers implement the school’s agreed Calculation Policy for progression in written and mental calculations. 


  • Maths lessons are designed with a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA approach) approach. Children have access to a range of mathematical concrete resources in the classroom (Numicon, tens frames, Base 10, counters, cubes) in order to support their initial understanding of key concepts. This CPA approach provides our pupils with the scaffolding required so that pupils of all levels can access the learning. 



  • Every learning session includes the opportunity to develop fluency skills, construct chains of reasoning and solve increasingly complex problems in a systematic and coherent way.


  • Explicit reference is made to key mathematical vocabulary and stem sentences are used to support and encourage all children to communicate their ideas with mathematical precision and clarity.




  • A large emphasis is placed on pupil engagementclear modelling and targeted questioning are at the centre of every lesson.  The children are also given the opportunity to work both collaboratively and independently during lessons. 


  • In line with our ‘growth mindset approach to learning, the children have access to two/three differentiated levels of challenge during most lessons. All challenges include a variety of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions.  Challenge 1 focuses on ‘Working Towards’ securing the lesson objective, Challenge 2 questions relate to ‘Mastering’ the lesson objective and Challenge 3 ensures that children are given the opportunity to demonstrate a ‘Greater Depth’ of knowledge and understanding. For children who are working outside of the year group curriculum, individual learning activities are provided.


  • Timely interventions are put in place to address misconceptions and reinforce key concepts.


  • Pupils are given regular opportunities to repeat, reinforce and revise previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures, so they become deeply embedded in their memories. This takes place during start of the day activities, as lesson starters and through access to online learning platforms such as Active Learn, Numbots  and Times Table Rockstars. 




  • Pupils working at ‘Greater Depth’ are given the opportunity to attend Able Mathematician Workshops alongside children from other local schools and are also entered into local mathematics competitions.
  • Maths is taught across the curriculum ensuring that skills taught in lessons are applied to other subjects.



Feedback and Assessment

  • Through daily teaching, teachers continuously monitor pupils’ progress against expected attainment for their age, making formative assessment notes where appropriate.  These are then used to inform future planning and ensure appropriate interventions are swiftly put in place for any pupils who require additional support to secure the lesson objective.
  • Feedback is given on the children’s learning in line with our Feedback Policy.
  • Summative assessments are completed at the end of each unit, term and year.  The results are analysed and used to:
    • support the teachers’ judgement on whether key National Curriculum objectives have been secured when completing the ‘Insight’ data tracker for each pupil.
    • inform future planning and interventions.
    • form discussions at termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
    • influence the overall judgement reported to parents in the end of year report.


Leadership and Professional Development

  • The maths leader has a clear role and overall responsibility for the progress of all children in maths throughout the school. Working with SMT, the provision of mathematics is monitored through lesson drops in, book looks and pupil discussions. Key data is also analysed and used to identify trends in mathematics attainment and identify areas of strength and weakness. The outcome from these actions then informs future planning, interventions and CPD requirements.
  • The maths subject leader and teachers are given access to regular CPD to continue to enhance their pedagogy and mathematical knowledge in order for them to develop their teaching of mathematics.  



Curriculum Impact


  • At the end of each year the vast majority of pupils will achieve Age Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group.  Some children will have progressed further and achieved Greater Depth (GD). All children will have made the required progress from their initial starting points.
  • Majority of pupils will move through each programme of study at broadly the same pace.
  • Pupils demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures.  This includes the recollection of times tables.
  • Pupils can demonstrate that a mathematical concept or skill has been ‘mastered’ by showing it in multiple ways, using the appropriate mathematical language to explain their ideas. They can also independently apply the concept to reasoning questions and solve problems in unfamiliar situations.
  • Pupils show a ‘growth mindset’ approach during maths lessons and show resilience and perseverance when solving problems and tackling maths investigations.
  • Children show a high level of understanding in their written work and all work is presented accurately and with pride.
  • Pupils talk confidently and enthusiastically about their maths lessons and express their enjoyment of learning new concepts and making connections between these and previous learning.
  • Pupils know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace.


Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage


Within EYFS at St. Peter's School the White Rose Maths (WHM) scheme is also followed. This offers the EYFS team clear guidance as to what content needs to be covered. The skills are broken down into smaller steps, which build across the year. The progression of skills ensures that the children are working up to achieving the Early Learning Goals. Using WRM in the Early Years also ensures that there is consistency and progression across the school from Nursery to Year 6.


The White Rose Maths scheme has a strong focus on deepening the children's understanding and building number sense to 10. This is achieved  through adult-led teaching of the skills/concepts and is supported and consolidated during continuous provision activities. However, at St. Peter's we feel it is vital that our children are also given the opportunity to develop their understanding of shape, space and measure (SSM) and the children are provided with many practical opportunities throughout the year to do this.








Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC)


What is the Multiplication Tables Check?

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a statutory key stage two assessment, which tests year 4 pupils' knowledge of the multiplication tables within 12 × 12. It was introduced in the 2019/2020 academic year. The MTC is in the format of an online test with 25 questions and children are given six seconds to answer each of the questions within the time limit.


When will my child sit the MTC?

It is compulsory for pupils to sit the MTC at the end of year 4. The test measures multiplication learning from year 2 to year 4, since by the end of year 4, children should know all the multiplication facts within the 1 to 12 times tables. All eligible year 4 pupils must take the test in June within a three-week window. 


What’s the purpose of the MTC?

The MTC aims to check how well children know their times tables. This is important since knowing the multiplication tables gives children the foundational knowledge they need to progress in maths through the years. Instant recall of times tables facts is needed when completing trickier calculations involving division, ratio, proportion, and fractions. .Without that knowledge, pupils might struggle to master these more complex maths concepts.  Plus, once children know their times tables, they won’t need to spend time doing simple calculations. Instead, they’ll recall these facts immediately and then spend time working out the trickier calculations with multi-digit numbers.


The MTC is also a great way to check for pupils that are struggling with their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. Without this knowledge, children will struggle to calculate maths problems in later school years.


How is the MTC administered?

The MTC is a digital test. It is delivered on-screen, via either a computer or tablet. The children will complete sample tests before the date of their actual test. This will familiarise them with the system and help ease any nerves that they may have.

When completing the actual test, there are three practice questions. Once completed they move on to the real test.


The MTC is 25 questions long and children have six seconds to answer each question. There is a three-second pause between questions so that they don't get overwhelmed. There will be an emphasis on 6, 7, 8, 9 and the 12 times tables as these tables are deemed to be more difficult. 


The short time given to answer the question is because the test is measuring what pupils can easily recall. They should be able to remember their multiplication factors quickly and shouldn't be trying to work them out.


At the end of the test, pupils will have a score out of 25 which is reported to the school at a later date.


There is no pass-or-fail threshold for this test, but St. Peter's would like all our pupils to be achieving a score above 20/25. Pupils with lower marks will then be given additional support to help improve their multiplication skills in Year 5.


How can I help my child?

Please regularly ask your child times tables facts in and out of order. Start with the 2 times tables, then move to 10 and 5 (Year 2), 3, 4 and 8 times tables (Year 3) and 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables (Year 4).


Regularly accessing their Times Table Rock Stars account will also provide a fun and rewarding way to learn the facts.

The website address is:  


The Maths Frame Times Table Check resource 'mimics' the actual test that the children will experience in June. This is a very useful website to access as the test is approaching since it will give the children confidence in the digital format of the test and enable them to get used to the timing.  This can be accessed at the following website:




How can I help my child to consolidate the key mathematical concepts from Early Years and KS1?


Why not encourage them to watch the Number Blocks videos.  This is a fun way for them to recap some of the key concepts.  A list of the videos and an overview of what each episode covers can be found by opening the document below.  (Please note you will have to login to the BBC iplayer to watch the videos.)

Summary of Number Blocks Videos




KES Year 4 and 5 Borcherd's Shield Annual Maths Competitions


Each year St. Peter's send two teams of four able mathematicians from Years 4 and 5 to KES to test their maths skills against other children from schools across the West Midlands.


The competition consists of approximately 8 heats, with up to 10 schools competing in a heat. During the afternoon the children take part in two mathematical activities. The first challenge is a crossnumber where the children have to work as a team to solve some tricky clues to complete a mathematical crossword. Following this, they take part in an energetic relay race which involves solving maths problems then running across the school hall to deliver their answer. The scores from each round are totalled and the top three teams receive bronze, silver and gold medals.  The winning teams from each heat are then invited back to compete in the final. 


St. Peter's teams are always up for the challenge and have enjoyed much success in the past, which is testament to the depth of mathematical knowledge and speed of fluency that our children possess. Last year's results are shown below:


Year 5 Team 2022-23 - Heat: Gold Medal.  Final: Runners Up

(Paul Akinrinde, Uriyal Cruz, Toby Kay, Joshua Smith)


Year 4 Team 2022-23 - Heat: Gold Medal.  Final: Third

(Vangelis Anastasakis, Oliver Skipwith, Adrian Tai, Arron Tai)

KES Maths Competition
