Home Page

Year 5


Mr Burton, Miss Gibson, Mr Jarrett and Miss Flint



*Please note that all homework can be found on our 'Seesaw' Home Learning Platform.*



Our key/spine texts for this term are:

HOLES by Louis Sachar (novel)

'The Visitor' by Ian Serrallier (Narrative poem)

FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith (Picture book)







Work for the above will include:

  • Writing from a character's perspective
  • Writing to persuade and inform
  • A narrative in third person
  • Writing a letter in role




Our focus for the Autumn term will be 'Number'.

  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and division (Part A)
  • Fractions (Part A)

         All lessons will include Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving tasks - tailored to the pupils' ability/confidence level.





Our topics for the term are:

  • 'Earth and Space' - with the aim of understanding the orbits of the Earth and moon. Why we have day and night. The moon and its cycle/phases.
  • Materials and their properties. Solids, liquids and gases. Reversible and irreversible changes. Mixing and separating mixtures and materials.







This project teaches the pupils about the history of Ancient China, focusing primarily on the Shang Dynasty, and explores the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today.





This term, our topics are:

  • God - exploring connections between biblical texts and the theological terms used
  • Incarnation and the Messiah






During the course of this term we will discuss and explore:

  • Families and friendships
  • Safe relationships
  • Respecting ourselves and others





PE will take place twice a week. As Year 5 are participating in swimming sessions this term, this will count as one of them.

5B will swim on a Wednesday and 5G will swim on a Thursday. Our other PE lesson will focus on hockey and will be on a Tuesday. Please wear you PE kit to school on this day. 






This term, we will be exploring the life and work of the artist Giorgio Morandi. Our practical activities will focus on line, tone, pattern, texture, composition, scale and proportion. 







Our topic this term is 'FOOD' - in order to celebrate culture and seasonality.











Year 5 Meet The Teacher 2024

Try reading online with EPIC.  You will be able to choose from fiction, non fiction, audio books and videos.  


On a laptop/desktop/Chromebook 

Log in to 

Log in with the class code: sjv1325
Select your name from the list and start reading. 


On iOS/Android

Download the EPIC app

Select "Have an account? Log in"

Students & Educators

Log in with class code sjv1325

select your name from the list
