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Vision statement 

All of the teaching staff at St Peter’s recognise that all children have potential to excel in areas of science. Our teaching aims to motivate our pupils, promote curiosity and spark their imaginations through first hand experiences. Through carefully planned lessons and activities our pupils are equipped with the skills they need to have the confidence to partake in a wide range of activities to promote independence and instill a ‘love of learning’.  Pupils are given the opportunity to share their views and partake in a wide range of experiments to help them to become independent learners. We would like our pupils to be scientifically literate in the field of science to explain results and concepts to others and through written work.



At St Peter's we provide a curriculum in line with the National Curriculum that is broad and balanced. A curriculum that is ‘hands on’, full of ‘wonder and wow’, inspires the imagination and explores opportunities to investigate in a range of practical ways. It aims to promote curiosity, generate questions to be investigated and develop natural inquisitiveness and instil a ‘love of learning’. It is our intent that our children do this by applying knowledge and skills from a range of subjects and to ensure our curriculum builds on previous learning and is progressive. We value the creative curriculum in our school and make cross curricula links where possible. Our curriculum is further enhanced by making links with external agencies such as STEM and providing opportunities to participate in science clubs.


Through science lessons it is our intent to allow children to have first-hand opportunities to explore and ask questions as well as learn about the work of famous and contemporary scientists. To generate questions to be investigated, make predictions, participate in practical activities using a range of equipment, to collate results and draw conclusions based on their findings. Children will have opportunities to work in a variety of ways: independently, collaboratively and have opportunities to apply different learning styles. Our aim is for our pupils to become scientifically literate.


Throughout the children’s schooling at St Peter’s they will have been given the opportunity to develop a varied and deep subject knowledge which we aim will create a ‘love of learning’ encouraging the children to apply learning beyond the classroom in different contexts such as at home or outside. We want to appreciate that the world of science is all around us and is continuously developing and be mindful that science is part of the news every day! Our aim is that children become lifetime learners and maybe one day aspire to jobs in the field of science.



Science is taught in accordance to the National Curriculum objectives and supported by exciting and engaging units through ‘Love to Investigate’ science topics which is part of the Cornerstones creative curriculum that we teach in school. It is either taught weekly or in a block if the topic has a creative link to our drive topic. The required coverage of the National Curriculum is then broken down into long term plans, then further divided into medium term plans. Where possible links are made to other subjects to deliver and embrace a creative curriculum. The science curriculum objectives builds on prior knowledge and topics are further extended as the children move to different year groups through the school. There are some exceptions where some topics are only taught once such as seasonal changes, rocks, states of matter, sound and Earth and space. In addition to this there is a working scientifically stand of the National Curriculum where objectives are shared between two year groups. (e.g 1& 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6) Pupils are also required to learn about the work of scientists both past and present.


Science is taught at St Peter’s through a variety of approaches these may include: investigations, practical experiments, hooks, mystery boxes, digital photographs, video clips, stories, drama, topic boxes containing further reading material, model making or even through something current that is happening in the news. Our delivery of the curriculum is further enhanced through: school visitors, school trips, focus week’s, science displays in classrooms, using a range of equipment and utilising areas in the school grounds and immediate area (such as the allotment, forest school area, pond in EYFS to name a few).



Assessment of children's learning in science is an ongoing process through: monitoring children's understanding, knowledge and skills in a range of contexts. Staff are encouraged to start new topics using concept cartons, mind maps and KWL grids to help plan and deliver the curriculum in accordance to what the children know and would like to find out. Staff assess science objectives termly and input teacher assessments into our software tracking system. Science is also monitored by the subject leader throughout the year against our curriculum coverage document and through termly assessments using our assessment tracker - ‘Insight’.


Pupil voice is very important in school and pupil conferencing is one way in which the voices and opinions of our pupils can be heard. The responses are collated and fed back to staff to further develop teaching and learning. Other forms of monitoring such as ‘book looks’ and observations also enables us to make judgments as to whether pupils are meeting learning objectives.  Our children’s achievements are celebrated throughout the year in classes, school displays, in praise assemblies, school reports, parent consultations as well as on the science page on the school website.


Secure science teaching within school will equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge they require to be ‘life long learners’ with the aim that maybe one day aspire to jobs in the field of science.

Whole school - science map

Science topics by year and term

Year 2 - Materials topic - How to build a paper bridge
