Where else to ask for help?
Please find below a list of organisations that can help with debts, budgeting and advice:
- National Debtline - lots of useful factsheets. You can also call the freephone helpline on 0808 808 4000
- StepChange - a debt charity offering expert debt advice and fee-free debt management to help you tackle your debts
- MoneyHelper - free money and pensions guidance backed by the government
- Breathing Space - temporary protection from your creditors while you get debt advice and make a plan (government led)
- Homestart Birmingham - a charity that offers short-term intervention to families in crisis with budgeting workshops and home visits from volunteers
- Turn to Us - a charity helping people access to welfare benefits, charitable grants, and support services
- Birmingham Forward Steps - a health and wellbeing service for all pre-school children that offers Food Clubs across the city
- Company Shop - a social enterprise offering surplus stock at heavily discounted prices
- Trolley - a website to compare supermarket prices
- Citizens Advice Bureau - an independent organisation offering advice on debt, consumer, housing and other issues