Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that every child has the right to express their views, feelings, and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.
There are two representatives from each class, from year groups 1 to 5. Year 6 have four representatives, two from each class. Each representative is democratically elected by their classmates.
What is the School Council?
An inclusive, structured, forum for discussion and decision-making.
A means for children to raise issues and concerns.
A means to consult all pupils.
Why have a School Council?
To help children develop responsible attitudes.
To give children hands-on experience of issues in the National Curriculum, including PHSE and Citizenship.
To create a feeling of belonging, encourage listening to others and develop self-confidence.
How does the School Council work?
The Chair leads the meetings
Class representatives bring issues to the School Council
When does the School Council take place?
There is at least one meeting every half term.
How can I raise an issue?
Tell your class representative and your point will be raised at the next meeting.
How do I find out what happened?
Class representatives will feed back to their class as soon as possible after the meeting.