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Year 6





             Mrs Stimpson (Class Teacher: 6S)                  Miss Falcon (Class Teacher: 6F) 


Miss Flint (Teaching Assistant)

Mr Jarrett and Mrs Onions (Cover Teachers)

Miss Flint and Mrs James (Lunchtime Supervisors)






laughSummer Termlaugh


Please see Seesaw for photos from the Lake District Residential!

Journal - Seesaw  






Scroll down to the Documents section for important information regarding Year 6.








Our next unit of study is based on the first book in a series by Morris Gleitzman called 'Once'. Children will spend time predicting and discussing their initial responses to the book before making inferences whilst reading. By writing in role, and writing to entertain, our pupils will make choices about their writing, and should now be writing in the style of an author. 

This story is highly emotive and deals with sensitive issues. We have saved it until Summer Term to ensure the children can fully appreciate this. If you would like further information on its themes, please speak to your child's teacher.

Children have been provided with a spelling list focused on Year 5 and 6 spelling patterns which will be included in their writing. While we no longer test, we do assess during spelling activities and through the application of spellings in children's writing.

Year 6 are independently recording their Year 6 reading journey through reading sketchbooks. The aim of these is to promote a love of reading and reflection on what they've read. It is also designed to give them increasing ownership and freedom over their learning. We have seen some wonderful work so far, and the children have evaluated one another's work too. We look forward to seeing what this term brings!


Our reading volunteer is David. He comes in on Thursday afternoons to help children improve their reading fluency.





This half term, we will cover:


  • Number- Fractions; decimals and percentages; Ratio
  • Geometry - Position and Direction
  • Measurement- Converting Units; Perimeter and Area


Within all Maths lessons, the children are provided with problem-solving and reasoning tasks tailored to their ability. The level of challenge is chosen by each child with input by class teachers and teaching assistants (and adapted where necessary). 


Topic (History and Geography):

Britain at War

  • Describe the causes and consequences of a significant event in history. 
  • Think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and present a perspective on an aspect of historical importance. 
  • Evaluate the human impact of war, oppression, conflict and rebellion on the everyday life of a past or ancient society (WWI and WWII). 
  • Describe the causes and consequences of a significant event in history (WWI and WWII). 
  • Describe some of the significant achievements of mankind and explain why they are important. 
  • Articulate the significance of a historical person, event, discovery or invention in British history. 
  • Identify different types of bias in historical sources and explain the impact of that bias.













Evolution and Inheritance 

Discuss inherited features, making a list in science books.  

Children generate a testable hypothesis they can investigate as a class, such as 'Females are taller than males', 'Brown-eyed children also have brown hair' or 'People with larger hand spans also have larger feet'. 

Children collect data by taking accurate, precise and repeated measurements in standard units, using a range of chosen equipment.  

Children display their data using graphs and charts to identify if their hypothesis was correct. (Discuss the different graphing methods they could use, such as bar charts for discontinuous variation, line graphs for continuous variation or scatter graphs for looking for a correlation between two data sets.) 

Children discuss their results and whether it proves or disproves their hypothesis then write a short scientific report, including their original hypothesis, results, graphs and a conclusion.  

KEY SCIENTIST: Charles Darwin



Children choose one of the following questions to investigate: 

How much light passes through a range of transparent and translucent materials? 

How much light is absorbed by different materials? 

Do all shiny materials reflect light? 

Does scrunched foil reflect as much light as flat foil? 

Which fabric would be the best to use to make a pair of curtains? 

When does a material become opaque? 

Is any material totally transparent? 

Children design the method and list equipment needed for the experiment.  

Children follow method and take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate. 

Children display their data appropriately. Give time for them to interrogate their data, seek out patterns and answer their question.







Religious Education

Our theme is Kingdom of God. 


What kind of king is Jesus? 

Pupils should be able to:   

Explain connections between biblical texts and the concept of the Kingdom of God.  

Consider different possible meanings for the biblical texts studied, showing awareness of different interpretations. 

 Make clear connections between belief in the Kingdom of God and how Christians put their beliefs into practice in different ways, including in worship and in service to the community.  

Relate Christian teachings or beliefs about God’s Kingdom to the issues, problems and opportunities of their own lives and the life of their own community in the world today, offering insights about whether the world could or should learn from Christian ideas. 

What can we learn from religion about temptation? 

Islam and Christianity 

Pupils should be able to: 

Engage with ideas about how trust in God or submission to God has an impact on the ways we behave. 

Explore the moral choices we make throughout the unit, examining ideas of choice, responsibility and goodness for every child




Computing lessons will be underpinned by E-Safety. 

Initial lessons will focus on cyberbullying and how harmful it is.

Following this, the first unit will be about Creating a Webpage.






Year 6 will have PE every Monday and Friday. Our unit this half term is Rounders! Please ensure you are wearing the correct kit on P.E days!



School Games Values

These are values which we encourage the children to display in P.E as well as during the school day:


RSHE (Relationships, Sex, Health, Emotions):

Me and my relationships - this term we will look at how to compromise and negotiate. How to treat other people, be assertive but also be kind. 


French: (Mr Jarrett)


To learn the vocabulary for clothes, adjectives of colour, adjectives to describe clothes, using the present tense of '-er' verbs. To know how to say what they are wearing, and how to describe clothes.


Art and Design Technology


Hannah Hoch was a German Dada artist. She was part of an art movement formed during the First World War.

We will evaluate Hoch's artwork before creating our own pieces inspired by one of our school values: Honesty.

Links - Please click to open. 

SATs Parents' Meeting Feb 2023

Tutorial for Using Library Online
