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Welcome to Nursery



The Nursery Team
Mrs Bass: Teacher - Monday & Tuesday
Miss Burton: Teacher: -  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Mrs Price: TA - Monday to Thursday
Mrs Davenport: TA - Weds AM & Friday
Mrs Lavelle - Tuesday PM

Mrs Smith - Thursday PM

Miss Jammeh - Dinner Supervisor - Daily

Miss Marella - Dinner Supervisor - Daily



Nursery Checklist 

Please ensure you name all of your child's clothes and possessions

You will need to bring the following into Nursery:

- A named water bottle

- Wellington Boots in a plastic carrier bag

- Black velcro strapped PE pumps

- A book bag

 - A warm coat, hat and gloves when the weather gets colder - We try and go outside whatever the weather!

Please note, unless you think your child needs a spare change of clothes, please do not leave anything else in the cloakroom. Should your child need them, there are spare clothes in our Nursery cupboard.


Nursery Groups & Opening Times

Your child will be in one of the following groups: Giraffes or Zebras. Please help to familiarise them with their animal group.

Nursery drop off is at 9am and pick up is at 3pm. Please be prompt. if you are delayed, please inform the office so we can reassure your child.






This is our secure home learning platform. Teachers will post photographs of your child enjoying activities in Nursery, as well as sending you messages about your child or important information about up and coming events. You, as parents, are also able to upload photographs send messages to the Nursery staff.


You will have your own secure login.

When you are given the Home Learning Code, please login to Seesaw at as soon as possible. If you have any problems please speak to the Nursery staff.


A video explaining how to use Seesaw is given below, plus there is further information about how to login and set up Seesaw on our Home Learning page on the website.


Dates for your Diary


Monday 3rd June - Return to school

Tuesday 11th June - Class Photos

Friday 28th June - Non-uniform Day

Wednesday 3rd July - Nursery Trip to Hatton Country World

Friday 19th July - Break up for Summer



Please keep checking back here for more information

Our Curriculum - Summer Term 2 

Our topic this half term is Once Upon a Time



As part of our topic we will be enjoying fairy tales, tales about knights and princesses and exploring the question 'Do Dragons Exist.'.


Religious Education

In Nursery at St Peter's we follow the Jack in the Box scheme which has been developed by Early Years Specialists. Our worship sessions follow a familiar, repeated pattern with fun songs set to well-known tunes and a variety of learning strategies guaranteed to engage our children in the Bible stories. Children travel with Jack the dog to meet the Big Bible Heroes of the Old Testament and then on to learn all about Jesus and his love for the world, and the adventures of his friends and followers.  This term we will learn about the how we can use the bible to remember God's Big Plan.


Communication & Language 

We will be listening to a variety of stories and . We will also be using our role play area to act out the stories we are reading, by remembering key phrases, characters and events. Children will begin to develop their answers to who, where and what questions. We will be using 'Word Aware' to help children use new vocabulary and use it within their play and learning. 




We will be continuing with Phase 1 Phonics in Nursery based on the school’s phonics scheme Supersonic Phonics Friends. We will be listening carefully to hear the initial sounds at the start of words and look at segmenting.




In Literacy we will be focusing on listening to a range of stories and helping the children engage with different reading materials, such as fiction and nonfiction books, labels and captions. We will explore the ingredients of fairy tales, including settings, characters and events. We will be looking at oral-storytelling by using the puppet show. Children will continue to take home a shared reading book to share with you at home. 





In Maths children will continue enjoying the Maths area, where they can explore shape and number. We will be helping children develop their 1-1 correspondence to count objects carefully from 1 - 5. We will explore the numerals 3, 4 and 5 and 6 and learn to recognise them and represent them with objects, such as out fingers. 


Understanding the World 

We will be looking at the features of castles and exploring how people lived many years ago.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development 


We will be preparing the children for their transition to Reception, talking about change and our feelings.  


Physical Development 

Children will learn how to use the PD equipment in the hall to enjoy team building games, such a relay races. 


Expressive Arts and Design 

We will be re-exploring Junk Modelling to build castles and dragons. The children will enjoy some jewellery crafting with weaving and threading materials.  In music lesson we will be continuing learning songs from 'Boogie Mites', beating out rhythms and learn the names of individual instruments.  

Useful Website Links - Please click to open. 

Educational Psychologist Helpline for Parents and Carers
