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Year 4

Mr Thomas, Miss Baker and Mrs Gurney


Important Information


Swimming for Year 4 will be on Mondays and PE will be on Thursdays.




Summer Term





Ancient Civilisations



This project teaches children about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.





This half term, we will be reading 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane' by Kate DiCamillo.  Throughout the text, we will explore the characteristics of the different characters, explore how and why the main character changes throughout the story, develop the children's vocabulary, plan and write a diary entry, use drama to understand how characters are feeling, expand and develop writing skills through the use of images and finally write a narrative from the perspective of another character.


We are teaching reading skills explicitly through guided reading. We utilise a range of high-quality texts that, where possible, link to other aspects of our learning. Children are also head reading individually. 



                                                                                            This half term, we will cover:



  • Step 1 Tenths as fractions

  • Step 2 Tenths as decimals

  • Step 3 Tenths on a place value chart

  • Step 4 Tenths on a number line

  • Step 5 Divide a 1-digit number by 10

  • Step 6 Divide a 2-digit number by 10

  • Step 7 Hundredths as fractions

  • Step 8 Hundredths as decimals

  • Step 9 Hundredths on a place value chart

  • Step 10 Divide a 1- or 2-digit number by 100



  • Step 1 Write money using decimals

  • Step 2 Convert between pounds and pence

  • Step 3 Compare amounts of money

  • Step 4 Estimate with money

  • Step 5 Calculate with money

  • Step 6 Solve problems with money



States of Matter

This half term the children will be learning all about states of matter. This unit will teach children the difference between, solids, gases and liquids.  They will be classifying objects and identifying their properties.


Religious Education



In RE during this term, we will first be learning about Hinduism and finding out what it's like to be a Hindu living in Britain today. We will then be studying Humanism and asking from where different people get their moral codes.

Then we will be studying the Incarnation of Jesus and looking again at the Christmas story.






       Our PE Day is Thursday and children can come to school wearing their PE kit.  This term, the will be doing athletics.





In art this term, our focus is drawing. We study both Ansel Adams and Joan Miro. Children will develop their skills by completing zentangles, taking our pencils on a walk, learning about tone as well as learning about using light and darkness within our drawings.  We will take photographs, learn about one-point perspectives and finally the children will draw a landscape independently.



This term the children will answer questions about pets, understand and use numbers to forty and looking at how others celebrate festivals.



This will be set every Friday either on Seesaw or given out in the children's homework folders.



Additional information 

TTRS - The children can continue to use their previous log in.

Manga High school code: 67594

Abacus school code: hqx9

Music:  Services for Education have launched an Online Learning Platform.

Go to    Username: stpeter   Password: wLYfe82H

