Miss Falcon and Miss Baker
TA - Mrs Gurney
SEN support - Ms Erasmus, Mrs Goci and Mrs Bruce
Thank you for joining us for Year 4's Nativity service, 'Straw and Order'. Didn't the children do so well? From learning their lines, to singing and performing in front of a huge audience (including the Bishop), we were so impressed by their efforts!
Photos are available to view if you scroll down to the bottom of the webpage.
Spring Term
My Happy Mind
"myHappymind was created for schools with a very simple mission: to give today’s children the skills to thrive in tomorrow’s world. Our programmes give children the preventative strategies, skills and tools they need to thrive in the modern world."
In school, the children's mental health is a huge priority for us and we are using the resources from myHappymind to help the children thrive. Once weekly, we will learn about a different aspect of mental health and the children will have the opportunity to record their thoughts and reflections in their own journals.
Locating Major Cities and Rivers of the World
We will learn to:
Study and draw conclusions about places and geographical features using a
range of geographical resources, including maps, atlases, globes and digital
Use four or six-figure grid references and keys to describe the location of
objects and places on a map.
Explain how the physical processes of a river, sea or ocean have changed a
landscape over time.
Describe and explain the transportation of materials by rivers.
Name, locate and explain the importance of significant mountains or rivers.
Explain ways that settlements, land use or water systems are used in the UK
and other parts of the world.
Describe and compare aspects of physical features.
Identify, describe and explain the formation of different mountain types.
Identify the topography of an area of the UK using contour lines on a map.
Create a detailed study of geographical features including hills, mountains,
coasts and rivers of the UK.
Use specific geographical vocabulary and diagrams to explain the water cycle.
This half term, we will be reading Journey to Jo'burg by Beverley Naidoo. This is a modern classic and is set in South Africa. As we read, the children will be able to access this novel in class using their own copy. Our writing units will link to the text. Initially, we will make predictions based on the book's front cover and then we will practice our transcription skills.
Please note: in order to change their reading book, children must have their reading records signed. They can change their books on Mondays and Thursdays.
This half term, we will cover:
Multiplication & Division
11- and 12-times table.
To multiply 3 numbers.
To understand and recognise factor pairs.
To use efficient multiplication.
To be able to apply and use formal written methods.
Multiply and divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit.
Solve number problems and practical problems that involve all the
Measurement: Area
To understand what area is.
Measure area by counting squares.
Making shapes with a given area.
Comparing the area of different shapes.
Solve number problems and practical problems that involve all the
States of Matter
We will learn to:
Compare and group materials together according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases.
Explore how materials change state when they are heated or cooled.
Measure or research the temperature at which this change happens.
Set up a simple practical enquiry to test what happens to water at various temperatures.
Present findings using scientific vocabulary, in a variety of ways.
Religious Education
Why does the Prophet matter to Muslims? (Islam)
We will learn to:
Identify and describe some stories and sayings of the Prophet, showing how they provide an example to live by.
Explain the meanings of examples of texts that Muslims use to understand Islam
Consider questions about leadership, and Islamic examples of answers
Make simple connections between sacred texts and Muslim admiration for the Prophet
Describe how Muslim people follow the example of the Prophet today.
Raise questions about why we often seem to like to follow a leader
Express their own ideas about the meaning and value of different kinds of leadership.
Give good reasons for their views about the leadership of the Prophet Mohammad.
Colour (watercolour): (Joseph) William Turner
Use a sketchbook to record media explorations and experimentations as well as planning and collecting source material for future works.
Draw for a sustained period of time at an appropriate level.
Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements to achieve variations in tone and make marks on a range of media.
Have opportunities to develop further drawings featuring the third dimension and perspective.
Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements to achieve variations in tone.
Identify and draw the effect of light.
Accurate drawings of whole people including proportion and placement.
Record from first-hand observation, experience, make thoughtful observations.
Work on a variety of scales.
Computer generated drawings.
Further develop drawing a range of tones, lines using a pencil. Include in their drawing a range of technique and begin to understand
why they best suit.
Discuss and review own and others work, expressing thoughts and feelings, and identify modifications/ changes and see how they can
be developed further.
4F are swimming on Monday afternoons during Spring Term 1. They will also do indoor P.E on Thursdays.
4F will be doing P.E on Mondays and Thursdays this half term.
Our unit is Gymnastics: it will focus on balancing, rolling, jumping and inverted movements. They will create sequences using these movements.
Keeping Safe
We will learn to:
I can give examples of people or things that might influence someone to take risks (e.g.
friends, peers, media, celebrities), but that people have choices about whether they
take risks.
I can say a few of the risks of smoking or drinking alcohol on a person’s body and
give reasons for why most people choose not to smoke, or drink too much alcohol.
I can give examples of positive and negative influences, including things that could influence me when I am making decisions.
In Year 4, Music is taught by Mr Jarrett.
Lean On Me: Gospel music
Gospel Music and helping one another
In Year 4, French is taught by Mr Jarrett.
1.To ask and tell the time on the hour.
2. To recognize how analogue times on the hour are abbre?viated in French.
3. To link the times on the hour with the phrases du mat?in, de l’apres-midi, du soir.
4. To understand and use the numbers 41 – 60.
5. To ask and give a birthday date; to wish someone happy
In Year 4, computing is taught by Mrs Onions.
Repetition in Shape
The children will learn:
To identify that accuracy in programming is important
To create a program in a text-based language
To explain what ‘repeat’ means
To modify a count-controlled loop to produce a given outcome
To decompose a task in small steps
To create a program that uses count-controlled loops to produce a given outcome.